Friday, May 18, 2007

Photo Time

Here is some more photographic proof that things are being done around the place.

First the good stuff.
We have painted the front fence, stair rail, windows and sills on this side of the house.
Here is a closer pic, notice the pretty cat on the mat
Now the other side of the house....
Started but more to do...

Then we get to the landscaping at the front....

The plan is for a maintenance free (no grass as it was often forgotten when mowing time), fenced area that has a magnolia in the centre and lots of hebees around the border. At the moment however our poor neighbours have to deal with wonky posts and mud, not to mention that rather phallic drain cover!

The plan is to do the concreting this weekend - however first the huge crack right through the base of the wheelbarrow has to be fixed!
We are also trying to put in some drainage along the side of the house - at the moment all we have is more mud

And finally a pretty picture of chopsuey


Anonymous said...

Hi there - hey it's all very well to show wheel barrows drains and fence posts - but where's the worker? We need action shots!!!

Johjo said...

Would help if there was actually any action to photo!

vce said...

well good things take time :)

aynz said...

HA! I love how pics of Craig's DIY starting always look horrific. What is with those wonky pots?! ;-) xox