Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This weekend was a biggie - I said goodbye to prudence. Yip, good old prude has done me proud, however her time in my life is up as she has just packed on too many pies (or Kms) and it was either now or never to say goodbye and up grade the prudester.

So for the past couple of weeks poor Craig's been dragged round all the car yards to help me find replacement (mind you i don't think he minded too much!). Then finally we found her, all pretty and shiny and nearly new, test drove her (several times!) and yip, brought her.

All very exciting except fate has stepped in to squash my joy with the mother of all colds. So instead of crusin' around town looking all cool and stylish in my new car I am home sick from work lying in bed feeling sorry for myself with the whole swollen red nose look adding to my non existent good humor. This bug has hit quite hard, so much so that my witty photos I was going to take to show off my new shiny car will have to wait until any resemblance of wittiness returns to me. Oh woe is johjos.

So photos to come, as is good health.


Anonymous said...

Poor Johjo. We in the wop-wops are looking forward to seeing your pretty car.

aynz said...

Poor honey- get well soon and post piccies of you looking glam in new shiny car-ness. xox