Wednesday, May 9, 2007

House update

Time to show that yes, we are renovating our house, all be it very slow! Photos to come soon of the mud pies we are making outside but here is an update of what we have done to the master bedroom. Its all nearly done, just waiting for Craig to make a pelmet cover and a door handle....

This is what our master bedroom looked like not long after we moved in

Absolutely stunning I know!
Took us a while but we now have this....
I wanted it to look like living in one big caramel chocolate.....
These are our pretty floors that we sanded back
And this is the door Craig made for our wardrobe

1 comment:

aynz said...

It makes so much sense when you describe it as sleeping inside a caramel chocolate, that's my girl. :-) But more importantly, where are all the other pics? I've seen the bedroom, I want new stuff. :-) xox