Thursday, October 4, 2007

I want a Bathroom!

While I was away in Japan, Craig ripped out our bathroom. This was to plan, so it was ok. What didn't quite go to plan was the fact the the plumber couldn't come when arranged and had to come a week late! So we now have an open space and NO BATHROOM.
So here are some photos to show you what I came home to after travelling for 22hrs from Japan to home........ (Japan photos will follow soon.....)

Here is my bathroom

My toilet

Looking from the bathroom, through the toilet, into the laundry

Here is the boy hard at work....

and again, putting gib up on the walls of the toilet

Bathroom with batts and one wall. The bath is just sitting there to look pretty.....

and finally the bathroom ceiling...

Of course, everything that used to be in the bathroom, toilet and laundry has to go somewhere - so here is my spare room!

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