Monday, August 13, 2007

We are now poor poor poor!

Well its been a good long time since our last update. This is partially due to my large facebook addiction, but also as we have well and truly been in the hurly burly of every day life.

Things are going so quickly now, its hard to believe we are nearly half way through the school term. School is school, however my trip to Japan is now feeling real. We had the reciprocal visit the other week and every time they gave a speech in English I cringed with the knowledge it will soon be me in Japanese!

We just this afternoon got our mortgage refinanced - brilliant news as we now have some money to do our DIY with. Very scary as well as we just added a large chunk of money onto our mortgage, as well as a large increase in the interest rate we now have to pay......also 30 year term is such a long time!

However, more money means action!
Action means photos!

Lets hope we will soon be the owners of a very fly home...... ha!

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