Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cheers Cris

It is sad day as Cris announced she is returning to Canada in a couple of weeks. Guess she is off to create a new life back in her home land. But her memory will always remain in our house as she has kindly donated her much loved plant to join our many. We have decided to name our new member to the household "Kris" in her memory. This along with our habit of saying "AYE" at the end of every statement Cris has had a profound influence in our lives..... Cheers Cris :)

1 comment:

Cris Vangel said...

Awe... you guys are the greatest, eh. hehe. I arrived home safely and with all my luggage:) the weather is a wonderful 22degrees, sunny, and the garden veggies are in full swing - my dad is mighty proud of his tomatoes - the 2007 raspberry jam will be en route shortly.