Sunday, May 6, 2007

Its a New Day

Well its finally happened - we have wireless broadband. After much fuss and waiting we are now up and running which means we can now blog (we have been unable to in the past as blogs are a no-go zone in schools). Yay.

However we are both sure that our blogging is going to prove the point that all our students constantly believe- teachers have no life......

will have to wait and see


aynz said...

YAY for you guys joining the world of blogging! I want photographic proof of your lack of a real life! So nice to see a pic of you guys, think I'm a bit J&C deprived (or just generally depraved) at the moment. xox

Anonymous said...

haha bloody teachers u have the life of riley:)

Anonymous said...

love the pic from ur number one fan ur mummy

Anonymous said...

I love the pics of the bedroom from ur number one fan mummy
P.S. I am jealous