Monday, May 28, 2007

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bye Bye Prude

Farewell Prude
You have done me proud

Plonker Time

I have added another first to my list - writing a blog while sitting in my car....

My bro who lives in OZ is here until Monday. While some may say spending 5hrs in an enclosed environment with him on the way back to Dn from CHCH could possibly be enough time I figured I would turn up early for our family dinner tonight to enjoy just that little bit of extra time. (Another reason for turning up early could quite possibly be that school on a Sunday just isn't fun and my 30 mins I managed to spend made me feel justified in going to my parents house earlier than planned and NO I would not be procrastinating).

So that was the new plan - however fate has intervened.

Last night I left my cell ph at my parents so at present am without that handy device that could have informed me that no one is actually present at my parents house. That ordinarily would not have been a problem - I have a key and am well adapt at letting myself into my parents place when they are not around.

The lock I have a key for is however a tad funny. It does not like to be unlocked if there is a key in the other side. And you guessed it - the key is well and truly in its pride of place inside the lock. Most often this little set back would not be so problematic as my family quite often have issues with locking all the numerous entrances of their house - today however is one of the days when EVERY POSSIBLE door is locked.

SO I have no way of getting into there house. Luckily their broadband connection has a large range and I am able to get an ok signal from my car which is parked in the driveway. So here I am typing away, hoping my laptop battery will last, sitting in my car feeling like a plonker.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Photo Time

Here is some more photographic proof that things are being done around the place.

First the good stuff.
We have painted the front fence, stair rail, windows and sills on this side of the house.
Here is a closer pic, notice the pretty cat on the mat
Now the other side of the house....
Started but more to do...

Then we get to the landscaping at the front....

The plan is for a maintenance free (no grass as it was often forgotten when mowing time), fenced area that has a magnolia in the centre and lots of hebees around the border. At the moment however our poor neighbours have to deal with wonky posts and mud, not to mention that rather phallic drain cover!

The plan is to do the concreting this weekend - however first the huge crack right through the base of the wheelbarrow has to be fixed!
We are also trying to put in some drainage along the side of the house - at the moment all we have is more mud

And finally a pretty picture of chopsuey

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This weekend was a biggie - I said goodbye to prudence. Yip, good old prude has done me proud, however her time in my life is up as she has just packed on too many pies (or Kms) and it was either now or never to say goodbye and up grade the prudester.

So for the past couple of weeks poor Craig's been dragged round all the car yards to help me find replacement (mind you i don't think he minded too much!). Then finally we found her, all pretty and shiny and nearly new, test drove her (several times!) and yip, brought her.

All very exciting except fate has stepped in to squash my joy with the mother of all colds. So instead of crusin' around town looking all cool and stylish in my new car I am home sick from work lying in bed feeling sorry for myself with the whole swollen red nose look adding to my non existent good humor. This bug has hit quite hard, so much so that my witty photos I was going to take to show off my new shiny car will have to wait until any resemblance of wittiness returns to me. Oh woe is johjos.

So photos to come, as is good health.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

House update

Time to show that yes, we are renovating our house, all be it very slow! Photos to come soon of the mud pies we are making outside but here is an update of what we have done to the master bedroom. Its all nearly done, just waiting for Craig to make a pelmet cover and a door handle....

This is what our master bedroom looked like not long after we moved in

Absolutely stunning I know!
Took us a while but we now have this....
I wanted it to look like living in one big caramel chocolate.....
These are our pretty floors that we sanded back
And this is the door Craig made for our wardrobe

Blogging I will go.....

YAY this is is my first post and wouldn't you believe but the bell has just gone :( guess it will be another riveting reading class. any way must rush off and do this again when I am not teaching.....

Blogging I will go.....

YAY this is is my first post and wouldn't you believe but the bell has just gone :( guess it will be another riveting reading class. any way must rush off and do this again when I am not teaching.....

Blogging I will go.....

YAY this is is my first post and wouldn't you believe but the bell has just gone :( guess it will be another riveting reading class. any way must rush off and do this again when I am not teaching.....

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Its a New Day

Well its finally happened - we have wireless broadband. After much fuss and waiting we are now up and running which means we can now blog (we have been unable to in the past as blogs are a no-go zone in schools). Yay.

However we are both sure that our blogging is going to prove the point that all our students constantly believe- teachers have no life......

will have to wait and see